[Foxnews.com] President Obama, amid charges of class warfare, pushed Monday for a tax hike on families earning more than $250,000 -- and an extension of the Bush-era tax rates for families making less than that. "We
don't need more top-down economics," Obama said. "We need policies that grow and strengthen the middle class." "Top down economics?" This so called Harvard Wizard of Smart can't even put Reagan language into words. Hey, Baraka, it's called "Trickle-down economics" and it worked so well that it carried through the Clinton years and brought us over 18 years of prosperity. It was also called Reaganomics. And the press called Geo. W. dumb.
Employment Numbers Put Obama's Own Job in Jeopardy - [Moneynews.com] President Barack Obama's ability to keep his own position likely depends more on the job prospects of his fellow Americans more than anything else. And Friday's employment report for June wasn't encouraging. Non-farm payrolls gained a paltry 80,000, and the jobless rate stayed at 8.2 percent. The most ominous historical statistic for Obama may be that Ronald Reagan was the only president since World War II to win re-election with an unemployment rate over 6 percent, as Bloomberg reports. It was 7.2 percent in November 1984. Hey Baraka, I knew Ronald Reagan and believe me you're no Ronald Reagan.
Israel Today - Warning: The world is ending and the Messiah is coming! On one of Israel's largest websites Ynet a yellow banner with large letters appeared on Saturday proclaiming the coming of the Messiah. "The Messiah is in Israel. This will be the last government of Israel." A click on the banner leads directly to the website 871. Here, the religious creators of the site warn
about the end of the world. "The next leader will be the Messiah Ben David. I admire their interest in the Messiah's (Christ's) return, but it's not his "first rodeo". He was here before and they missed Him. When He returns he will put down the Anti-Christ, (A false Christ) save Israel, and destroy the Armies of the world (Click Armageddon - Rev. 16:16) who will be trying to destroy Israel. He will then set up His kingdom (Rev. 11:15) with headquarters in Jerusalem and rule the world, righteously, forever from there. Even so, come Lord Jesus. Rev. 22:20
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