Wednesday, July 11, 2012

TheDC Links

Daily Caller
July 11, 2012



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Today's top stories:
1.) Obama executive order grants Homeland Security more power in emergencies
2.) Romney to avoid act all but economy during NAACP speech
3.) Study: Marylanders moving to Virginia because of high taxes
4.) Inside 'Obama's America: 2016'
5.) Venus Williams not lending her star power to Obama [VIDEO]
6.) Rubio could help Romney continue fundraising supremacy
7.) Lawmakers aim to shield religious groups from HHS mandate tax
8.) New bill would fine congressmen $1k for missing a vote
9.) Obama tax hike would affect 1.2 million small businesses
10.) Greg Gutfeld explains 'starry-eyed school girl' media's double standard on rich GOP vs. rich Dems
11.) Fifty Shades of Grey squabble leads to criminal charges for outraged boyfriend
12.) Woman killed at Comic-Con while waiting for Twilight discussion
13.) Now you can own Al Capone's bulletproof car
14.) Zombie amusement park proposed for abandoned Detroit streets
15.) Jersey teen plunges 35 feet from chairlift as thunderstorm advances [VIDEO]

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