Friday, August 31, 2012

TheDC Links

Daily Caller
August 31, 2012



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Today's top stories:
1.) Mitt's Moment: Romney accepts GOP nomination
2.) Obama's flacks try to drown Romney's speech with digital message avalanche
3.) Marco Rubio says Obama has taken us backwards
4.) Friends, parishioners praise Romney's benevolence, kindness
5.) Clint Eastwood talks to an invisible Barack Obama onstage
6.) Campaign for Obama, get college credit
7.) Former SEAL: Obama administration leaks will 'get Americans killed'
8.) Gold star mother on intelligence leaks: Obama 'a weak commander-in-chief'
9.) Sandra Fluke chickening out on debate with Breitbart editor?
10.) Michael Moore: Practice the words 'President Romney'
11.) Think the GOP convention was exhausting? Try attending 10 of them
12.) Sh*t Occupy Tampa says [PHOTOS]
13.) Cigar Hunter: 'Hecho a mano' in Tampa [VIDEO]
14.) 'Jersey Shore' sleeps with the fishes
15.) College football kickoff: Top 10 hottest cheerleading squads [SLIDESHOW]

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