Sunday, September 30, 2012

[NWV Alerts] The Flu Vaccine: More Hype than Substance?

Untitled Document
October 1, 2012

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The Flu Vaccine: More Hype than Substance?
Mercury is a toxin, of course, but mercury is present in several forms of the flu vaccine. A form of mercury called thimerosal, and even mercury itself, appears in some flu vaccines as a preservative. Dr. Simone directs those curious about the presence of those toxins in vaccine products to visit the FDA’s web site to see for themselves. For its part, and without the benefit of conclusive scientific proof......
by Attorney Jonathan Emord

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The Power Elite and Misdirection
Although Mitt Romney is a puppet of the PE (if elected president. he will not cancel NAFTA, GATT, or Permanent Norman Trade Relations with Communist China), their preferred candidate for 2012 is puppet President Obama because of his Muslim background and movement of the U.S. toward socialism (e.g., taking over Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, General Motors, etc.). For the PE, Mitt Romney is their Wendell Willkie of 2012 (Willkie was chosen by the PE to lose to President Roosevelt in 1940)........
by Dennis Cuddy

The world is bankrupt -- How it will affect you? Call Harvey or Jay at USA Gold Vault and protect your future with real money. 602-228-8203.

True grit: Dave Carder running across America
We stood on the edge of the water for a group shot.  Three smiling faces.  Three exultant spirits.  Three souls plus Megan Annette Rork smiled into the camera.  Seconds later, we headed into the deep woods too silent to be real.  Walden Pond would continue shimmering throughout the day while we made our way along the mountain riches and pure golden memories......
by Frosty Wooldridge

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