Monday, September 03, 2012

TheDC Morning

Daily Caller
September 3, 2012



By: Jamie Weinstein

Huntsman has hissy fit -- Obama's subprime disaster -- Secretary of State Tim Pawlenty? -- Ted Cruz doesn't much care for MSNBC -- Poll of the Day: Romney gets convention bounce? --Tweet of Yesterday
1.) Huntsman has hissy fit -- Apparently the GOP is focused on fake solutions. That's what former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman is suggesting. TheDC's Jeff Poor reports:

"Former Utah Gov. John Huntsman told CNN’s 'Your Money' host Ali Velshi that he skipped last week Republican National Convention, in part, because of his objections to the GOP’s lack of 'inclusiveness.' 'When you have a party that lacks inclusiveness, that is not focused on real solutions and delivering the bread and butter bottom line issues that the American people are looking for, that lacks the sense of optimism and the big picture strategic thinking about America’s role in the world, all of that is so desperately needed today,' Huntsman said."

Yawn. Seems like someone is bitter that he wasn't nominated for the GOP nomination. Perhaps that's the borderline between where the GOP is interested in real solutions and not interested in real solutions --- whether or not they nominate Jon Huntsman. The GOP isn't perfect by a long-shot, but the House did vote for a serious budget plan that tackled America's long term entitlement problem. That seemed like a real solution to a real problem. By the way, where is Obama's real solution to the real problem of America's longterm entitlement liabilities?
2.) Obama's subprime disaster  -- TheDC's Neil Munro reports:

"President Barack Obama was a pioneering contributor to the national subprime real estate bubble, and roughly half of the 186 African-American clients in his landmark 1995 mortgage discrimination lawsuit against Citibank have since gone bankrupt or received foreclosure notices. As few as 19 of those 186 clients still own homes with clean credit ratings, following a decade in which Obama and other progressives pushed banks to provide mortgages to poor African Americans. The startling failure rate among Obama’s private sector clients was discovered during The Daily Caller’s review of previously unpublished court information from the lawsuit that a young Obama helmed as the lead plaintiff’s attorney."
3.) Secretary of State Tim Pawlenty? -- There isn't evidence he's campaigning for the job, but foreign policy hawks like the idea and his former advisers say he would be suited for the role. TheDC's Jamie Weinstein (ME!) reports:

"Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty is emerging as an attractive secretary of state option in a Romney administration for conservatives who believe in an assertive American foreign policy. Pawlenty has displayed a strong interest in foreign policy topics both while he was governor of Minnesota and after. And while people close to Pawlenty say that the governor is not campaigning for the post, he certainly wouldn’t turn it down if offered it ... Another former adviser to Pawlenty, who preferred not to be identified, concurred, saying Pawlenty was too modest and loyal to campaign for the position. But, he added, Pawlenty 'is deeply knowledgeable on foreign policy and that kind of Cabinet post would play to his strengths.'"
4.) Ted Cruz doesn't much care for MSNBC -- In an interview with TheDC's Alex Pappas in Tampa, rising GOP superstar Ted Cruz lashed out against MSNBC --- and the media generally:

"I think the mainstream media has a story they want to tell. And facts that get in the way — that are inconvenient — they do their best to ignore. I don’t think it was accidental that MSNBC chose not to cover so many of those speakers on the first night because it conflicts with the story they’re trying to tell. You have to remember, Chris Matthews is a man who confessed on air that Barack Obama sent a tingle up his leg. And so for that network to pretend to have journalistic objectivity, we have reason to doubt that. Their selective coverage — I don’t know anyone who was surprised."
5.) Poll of the Day: Romney gets convention bounce? -- Rasmussen Reports poll of presidential election: Mitt Romney 48%, President Obama 44%. Prior to the GOP convention, Romney was down two in a Rasmussen poll.
6.) Tweet of Yesterday -- Conan O'Brien: Overheard some conservative Latino kids in a pool playing “Marco Rubio.”
VIDEO: Dinesh D'Souza vs. Bill Maher

Obama, Subprime Pioneer -- With landmark lawsuit, future president pushed banks to give subprime loans to Chicago's African-Americans

Tim Pawlenty emerges as potential secretary of state, but stays mum on possibility -- He is 'is deeply knowledgeable on foreign policy and that kind of Cabinet post would play to his strengths.'

Rising GOP star Ted Cruz talks about the media, the convention, federal agencies to axe -- 'It was a mistake on the part of all of the networks not to cover this convention adequately'

Rick Tyler: Cowardice in Washington -- Why Republicans shouldn't call on Todd Akin to drop out of the Missouri Senate race.

Daniel Sterman: Mitt Romney's shockingly racist acceptance speech -- There's a reason he began his speech with the words, "Mr. Chairman."

Theo Caldwell: Police-state conventions -- The massive security presence at the Republican National Convention is a reminder of Americans' troubling safety-first mentality.

Jim Huffman: Why Clint Eastwood's speech worked -- Eastwood said what he thought and what a lot of other people are thinking.

Bob Brody: Measuring up -- A Labor Day essay.

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