Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Morning Bell: 10 Questions for the First Presidential Debate

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Morning Bell

10 Questions for the First Presidential Debate

Tonight's debate between President Barack Obama and former Governor Mitt Romney is supposed to focus on domestic policy, with a major concentration on the economy. Health care, the role of government, and philosophy of governing are also on the agenda. The Heritage Foundation's policy experts have submitted 10 questions they would like to see asked in the debate.

1. In 2008, then-candidate Obama said, "Under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase." In reality, President Obama's signature health care law contains 18 new or increased taxes and penalties that will cost taxpayers $836.3 billion over the next 10 years, many of which fall heavily on the middle class. In fact, almost 70 percent of those responsible for paying the fiercely debated individual mandate are below 400 percent of the federal poverty level. Should these tax increases be stopped to protect middle-class Americans from their damage? If yes, where would the money needed to help pay for Obamacare come from?

2. Millions of baby boomers are starting to retire, and spending on Social Security and Medicare as these programs are currently structured is simply unsustainable. What is your plan to solve the looming entitlement program spending crisis?

3. Medicare as we know it today is facing severe financing problems that are unsustainable and putting future generations' Medicare benefits in jeopardy. Over the long term, Medicare has made $37 trillion worth of promises to seniors that it cannot keep and the hospital insurance trust fund will be empty by 2024. Worse, the President's health care law will cut Medicare by $716 billion over the next 10 years to pay for new spending in Obamacare. As Medicare's solvency hangs in the balance, what structural reforms, if any, are you willing to make to preserve Medicare for future generations?

4. Everyone talks about shoring up our battered American Dream. How would you define the American Dream and what do you think are the most serious threats to it?

5. The Health and Human Services Department recently rewrote the law governing welfare to weaken its work requirements. Meanwhile, the number of people relying on food stamps has doubled under the current Administration. Should all able-bodied recipients be required to work or prepare for work as a condition of receiving aid in public housing, food stamps, and cash assistance?

6. The federal government is currently spending much more than it has, and annual budget deficits over $1 trillion have become the norm. What is your plan to stem the tide of deficits and rising debt?

7. One of the few bright spots in America's economy has been energy production, particularly on state and private lands.  According to the Energy Information Administration (EIA), energy production decreased 13 percent on federal lands in fiscal year (FY) 2011 when compared to FY 2010.  What would you do to reverse course on energy production on federal lands?

8. Congress—most notably the Senate, which hasn't produced a budget in over three years—is sorely lacking in its basic responsibility of budgeting. What would you do to ensure the fundamental process of budgeting is restored?

9. President Obama has previously stated that, in the most important 5 percent of cases before the courts, it matters more what is in a judge's heart (what has come to be known as his empathy standard) than what the rule of law requires. Is this the correct standard by which to evaluate judicial nominees? If not, what standard would you apply?

10. Former Attorney General of Mexico Victor Humberto Benítez Treviño estimated that approximately 300 Mexican citizens have been killed using Fast and Furious weapons in addition to U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. Should Eric Holder resign as Attorney General because of his failures related to Operation Fast and Furious, including his failure to properly supervise the operation? If not, why not?

Watch the debate with Heritage tonight—you can watch it live, streaming on our Debate 2012 page. On the page, you can also follow our experts' live blog and chime in on Twitter.


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Heritage Expert Confounds the "Fact Checkers" on Welfare Reform

Oversight Committee Seeks Answers About Libya Security Lapse

Global Verdict on Obama's Crumbling Foreign Policy

Voter ID: Court Upholds Pennsylvania Law

CHART: How Much Money Should Go to National Security?


Vice President Joe Biden said yesterday that the middle class has been "buried in the last four years."

The White House has no comment on assertions that the U.S. Consulate in Libya had requested additional security—and been denied—before the recent terrorist attack.

The government is suggesting that school lunch programs provide a helpful template for family dinners at home, reports CNSNews.

The House Oversight Committee has listed security threats and attacks in Libya that occurred during the six months leading up to the September 11 attack.

Tune in online to Istook Live!, the radio show broadcasting from Heritage, from 9 a.m.-noon ET for a lineup of pre-debate discussion, including Heritage experts and Bill Miller from the Business Roundtable.


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