Wednesday, January 09, 2013

[NWV Alerts] Gun Control Dictator Style

January 9, 2013

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NWV is pleased to announce our newest contributing writer Mr. Bradlee Dean.  Here is his first article.

Gun Control Dictator Style
It is of interest to the American people to take note of those who they entrust to serve them. We are a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, yet time and time again in this country we have leaders in government who put on the guise of “patriot” and then turn out to be the criminal in garb. We learned in the past about the criminal acts of anti-gun mayors. We found that anti-gun mayors are criminals.....
by Bradlee Dean

Click on the banner and order this historic masterpiece

The Entitlement Society
If the government continues to refuse substantial reductions in size and scope and to tax and spend more, the unsustainable entitlements will eventually reach that tipping point where most welfare beneficiaries will find dependency on them an unlivable condition. If we wait for that occurrence, which is not far off, government and the market will be in very dire straits and dependents will suffer grievously. The only way out, which will.......
by Attorney Jonathan Emord

Our devalued currency and war against the dollar Our devalued currency and war against the dollar. Protect your assets with the only real money - gold. Call Harvey Gordin at USA Gold Vault today - 602-228-8203.

The "New Breed" of Christian Fashion
Our younger generation is being preyed upon by adults that will do anything for a buck. Adults are the ones who peddle the raunchy products that hyper-sexualize the culture. Young people, especially, are demeaned and exploited for profit. A word of warning to sleaze peddling “Christians”: God deems what you’re doing a grave sin. Repent!.....
by Marsha West

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