Wednesday, January 09, 2013

The Campus Caller

Daily Caller
January 9, 2013



Today's top stories:

1.) USDA: 1 in 4 children were on food stamps in fiscal year 2011
2.) Dick Armey on why he gave that interview to Media Matters
3.) Iowa lawmaker calls for retroactive gun ban, confiscation of semi-automatic weapons
4.) Charlie Crist briefly visits with Democratic Governors Association
5.) Charles Krauthammer: 'In a second term, Obama is going to show who he really is' [VIDEO]
6.) TheDC’s Jamie Weinstein: Reluctant warrior Hagel could make war more likely
7.) GAO: IRS should audit more wealthy Americans
8.) Va. governor considers doing away with state gas tax
9.) Ed Schultz: The Constitution is 'archaic' regarding Second Amendment [VIDEO]
10.) Consumer debt rises by more than $16 billion in November, driven by student, auto loans

From the
Intercollegiate Studies Institute network and LI's Campus Reform:
11.) Prof who tweeted NRA death threat now claims GOP only wants membership of ‘old rural white’ people
(Campus Reform)
12.) Legal Brief Asks Supreme Court to End Reverse Discrimination
(The College Fix)
13.) American Pessimism and the Fiscal Cliff
(Collegiate Network Newslink)
14.) Archer is the Right Man to Lead Cornell Football
(Cornell Insider)
15.) College Presidents Make it Rain
(The College Fix)

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