Monday, April 15, 2013

A WAKE UP CALL: Are your kids yours or the state’s?

Dear friend,

It is time to wake up your friends and neighbors to what the federal and state governments are pushing through the Common Core State Standards Initiative. The professional left (with help from some Republicans) is grabbing power over our lives --- health care, financial services and energy use. This year, education is their target through ObamaCore.

Initiated in 2009 by the National Governors Association and Council of Chief State School Officers to create national curriculum standards for K-12 education, the Department of Education incentivized the adoption of Common Core Standards through its Race to the Top program.

Will Estrada, is a friend of mine with the Home School Legal Defense Association, which represents 80,000 of the 2.1 million homeschooling families in the country. Estrada worries that local control over education is being supplanted with a national curriculum, testing and databases to track the learning habits of our kids. English teachers are widely concerned that literary classics are being replaced with informational texts like presidential executive orders. Are Americans really this stupid or distracted to let this facet of life go too? Estrada expects private and homeschoolers to be impacted since national tests, including the PSAT and SATs, will be geared toward Common Core curriculum.

Fact: The Common Core Standards are absolutely not "internationally recognized benchmarks" because they were never benchmarked nor piloted, says  Dr. Sandra Stotsky, who served on the CCS Validation Committee. In fact, the 45 states (plus the District of Columbia) that signed on to the Common Core Standards did so before they were ever finalized.

State-based coalitions opposing Common Core are growing fast; find yours through homeschoolers, tea party groups, Eagle Forum, American Principles Project or Concerned Women for America. Resources are available here, herehere and here. Read and start talking to other parents now! If you want local control of education, and to stop the Big Brother privacy invasion, your governors, school boards and members of Congress need to hear your opposition to Common Core.

And be sure to watch our interview with Estrada, who tells the truth about Common Core, the education philosophy of MSNBC's Melissa Harris-Perry and his organization opposes new UN treaties that the Obama administration support.



P.S. Are you on Twitter? Use the hashtag #StopCommonCore and join a nationwide Twitter campaign Tuesday, April 16th! Click here for more information.

Watch Leaders with Ginni Thomas: Will Estrada


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