Thursday, November 21, 2013

Five Myths About China

The third plenum of Chinese Communist Party Congresses is often the time when the country’s rulers introduce major policy shifts. The Eighteenth Party Congress in November and, crucially, implementation over time of policies announced there offers the U.S. an opportunity to reassess China, to see whether top leaders Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang are interested in pursuing reform or will hew to the course of their predecessors.
This opportunity could be wasted if the persistent myths that have long plagued American views of China are not dispelled. The key myths feature overstating Chinese economic prowess and understating clashing security interests between the China and the U.S.

What Typhoon Haiyan Taught Us About China


Typhoon Haiyan is one of the worst storms in recent history to hit land, and it is impacting an already impoverished nation. At least 1,774 people have been confirmed dead and the figure is expected to rise.  An estimated 800,000 people have been displaced.  America pledged $20 million in assistance.  China initially offered $100,000--later increasing its pledge to $1.6 million.  American friends and allies in the region should seriously consider the implication of this comparison.  
Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh Visits China

The recent visit by Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to China demonstrated an ongoing willingness on both sides to cooperate on issues of mutual interest and try to better manage the differences over their shared border. 
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