Saturday, November 23, 2013

PBS Whitewashes Oswald's KGB Connections

November 22, 2013

Today at NewsWithViews.TV
The Day America Died: The American Way died the day President Kennedy was murdered in Dallas. That event opened the eyes of most Americans that our government could not be trusted. They have been lying to us ever since....
--With Coach Dave Daubenmire

Phony Math Behind GOP Amnesty Push
Yes indeed, ObamaCare is accomplishing everything it was designed to accomplish, the total destruction of the best healthcare system on earth. But, it hasn’t helped Obama’s approval rating any, dropping to a record low 37% according to left-wing news polling data at CBS......
by JB Williams

It’s the Origination clause stupid
I have screamed this for the last several months on my national radio show and called Government officials over and over on this. In my article on this October 4th I exposed that Harry Reid and the Senate had completely gutted the House proposed version of the Affordable Care act and illegally passed it as law......
by Laurie Roth

PBS Whitewashes Oswald’s KGB Connections
Actually, the case is closed. The communists killed Kennedy. But because of the media’s love affair with Castro, as I point out in this column, liberal reporters can’t bring themselves to admit the truth. It is a triumph of bias over facts and evidence that leaves many people still in the dark about the murder of an American president.......
by Cliff Kincaid  •  PO Box 370, Merlin, OR 97532   •  Tel: 541-955-0117

Untitled Document

NWV Alert

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