Thursday, April 19, 2012

[NWV Alerts] Arizona: Countdown to the Showdown on S.B. 1070

Untitled Document
April 19, 2012

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Stop Pulling Our Punches
But please understand that my training is as a Coach. For years I spent my time popping a film into the machine and studying it to see mistakes. That is the way my mind was trained. After a game we reviewed every play and although I noticed the great effort and the great plays that the players were making, it was always the MISTAKES that jumped off of the screen at me......
by Coach Dave Daubenmire

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Tea Party vs. Netroots Nation – Game On?
International Socialists and their Washington D.C. politicians have successfully divided the once United States into competing factions, both ready for all-out war in 2012. As the Tea Party still struggles to find an identity, unity and direction, the international left steam rolls ahead, forcing the United States towards an economic abyss via policies that promise to enslave every citizen for generations to come. It no longer requires any imagination to see the Cloward-Piven Strategy in full bloom........
by JB Williams

The world is bankrupt -- How it will affect you? Call Harvey or Jay at USA Gold Vault and protect your future with real money. 602-228-8203.

Marriage and Family Are Obscene, Says School
What will it take to convince America’s Christian parents to stop sending their children to the public schools? Earlier this month, a girl at Pilgrim High School in Warwick, Rhode Island, had her artwork censored by “educators.” The student had painted a mural that was deemed objectionable because it depicted a boy growing up, marrying, and having a child. In fact, the “educators” found it so offensive that they ordered it......
by Lee Duigon

Arizona: Countdown to the Showdown on S.B. 1070
The fact remains that your two U.S. senators and your congress critter work against you as a U.S. citizens by championing illegal aliens within our country. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce advocates for illegals, the ACLU, Maldef, LaRaza, LuLac and others work to help illegality at every juncture. Piling onto the scrum, Marriott Hotels, McDonald’s, Hormel, Swift, Tyson Chicken and dozens of other companies cheat taxes, work laws and our own unemployed in their never ending quest to maximize profits......
by Frosty Wooldridge

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