Friday, April 20, 2012

[NWV Alerts] Michigan SWAT Teams Invade Farms, Forces Farmer to Kill His Own Livestock

Untitled Document
April 20, 2012

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MI. SWAT Teams Invade Farms, Forces Farmer to kill his Own Livestock
In an unprecedented private property grab, Governor Rick Snyder's Michigan Department of Natural Resources issued an Invasive Species Order (ISO) that allows his agents to forcibly commandeer and destroy heritage breed pigs on thousands of family farms in that state. Citizens groups and conservative organizations are complaining that Governor Snyder's DNR is actively taking action to destroy these pigs, the farms and the farmers' liberties. In fact, the DNR teams have been likened to out-of-control SWAT teams......
by NWV News

Click on the banner and order this historic masterpiece

Bishop Says Obama on Hitlerian Path
He said Obama is viewed as someone who believes in freedom of worship, not freedom of religion, an important distinction that Jenky was alluding to. In other words, Obama believes Christians should be free to worship within the confines of their church, but that when they exercise their freedom of religion in public life, they must conform to the secular dictates of the federal government. In this context, however, the ability to exercise freedom of religion, as the Constitution means it, becomes essentially........
by Cliff Kincaid

The world is bankrupt -- How it will affect you? Call Harvey or Jay at USA Gold Vault and protect your future with real money. 602-228-8203.

Titanic and its Centennial
This past April 15th was the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic, on April 15th, 1912. For the past 100 years, this tragic story has captivated the public. It’s been studied, discussed and portrayed in a many articles, books and movies. There are several Titanic museums in the world. One is located in Belfast, at the former shipyard of Harland and Wolff, where the vessel was constructed. There are several in the.....
by Allan Wall

America Rise Up!
Our country has been raped by Obama and his regime and he has put us in the ‘devils playhouse.’ Voting for Romney in November will just take us to another room in the unconstitutional and evil playhouse we are lost in now. Shameful betrayals are a daily thing. Attacks come from everywhere, are worded in Slippery language from Obama and his minions – just like his Saul Alinsky bible of direction would have it. Hit em hard and hit em fast so the American people don’t know how to strike back, where to strike back and are afraid to strike back......
by Laurie Roth

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