Monday, September 24, 2012

Don’t look for the liberal media to cover Ted Cruz

Dear friends ---

You will be encouraged to see that Gallup has now confirmed that Americans' distrust for the media has just hit a record high --- with 60 percent saying they have little or no trust in the mass media to report the news fully, accurately and fairly.

The mass media may not want you to hear about Ted Cruz, a stellar constitutional conservative and a rockstar to conservatives, but we want you to be encouraged. He surprised prognosticators and beat his establishment opponent in Texas by 12 points, despite being outspent and having less name recognition.

He fought off awful ads that, as national radio host Mark Levin said, "reminded you of what James Carville does" --- not what Republicans typically do to each other! In our interview, Cruz speaks of his perspective on both party conventions, the erosion of national sovereignty, the tea party label and more.

There is a quiet patriotic majority rising up. The elites are in for some surprises, and we are trying to interview those the media elite are not showcasing.

Watch the interview with Cruz here.

Next week: Mallory Factor, author of "Shadowbosses: Government Unions Control America and Rob Taxpayers Blind"



P.S. For those friends and family members who may have voted for President Obama before but have not made up their minds yet for 2012, this might be a good video for them to consider.

Watch Leaders with Ginni Thomas: Ted Cruz


Last Week: Dan Bongino

Mrs. Thomas does not necessarily support or endorse the products, services or positions promoted in any advertisement contained herein, and does not have control over or receive any compensation from any advertiser.

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