Wednesday, September 26, 2012

TheDC Links

Daily Caller
September 26, 2012



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Today's top stories:
1.) Obama donor wrote 'nonpartisan' congressional report backing liberal tax policy
2.) Angus King edits newspaper profile before putting it on campaign website
3.) Likely voters: U.S.-Muslim relations worse than under Bush
4.) Bill O'Reilly: Blockade Iran, stop Chinese ships by force if 'we have to'
5.) Jay Carney gets reporters talking pigskin, not politics, during press gaggle
6.) Hannity on the media: Obama is 'laughing his ass off at all of you because you are so dumb'
7.) WH sends unrelated form letter after 9/11 survivor's request to pull bin Laden ad
8.) DeMint's Senate Conservatives Fund considers supporting Akin
9.) Suicide now lead cause of injury death in US, bad economy may be to blame
10.) Scott Brown's campaign staffers do Indian 'war whoops' and 'tomahawk chops'
11.) Rep. Grimm's campaign office vandals caught: Eighth-graders with rocks
12.) Greg Gutfeld rips Rock the Vote: 'Hip celebrities don't care'
13.) British group issues dire warning about impending global bacon shortage
14.) Refs fired from Lingerie Football League still officiating NFL games
15.) Madonna: 'We have a black Muslim in the White House'

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