Monday, January 14, 2013

Dr. Walter E. Williams -- A classic

Dear friend,

This week, we interviewed Dr. Walter Williams, an economist from George Mason University who has substituted for Rush Limbaugh and has a unique take on policy and politicians. He speaks of taxes, Thomas Sowell, guns, the Constitution, run-away government spending and the harm government policies have done to black families.

We invite you to listen in to this clear thinker. Please encourage more of your friends and colleagues to sign up for this email list as we grow our community together.

Watch the interview here.



P.S. I love short videos, don't you? This one is worth watching regularly if you want to see each day with gratitude. See what you think and send me videos that you think I should feature down the road by emailing me here.

Watch Leaders with Ginni Thomas: Dr. Walter E. Williams


Last Week: Rep. Jason Chaffetz

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