Friday, April 12, 2013

[NWV Alerts] The FEMA Labor Camp, Part 2

April 12, 2013

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Today at NewsWithViews.TV
Coach Dave Interviews Peter LaBarbera: PeterLaBarbera of joins Coach Dave for an in-depth discussion of the homosexual agenda and how "marriage" is just their latest assault on traditional values. Listen to this no-holds-barred discussion.
--With Coach Dave Daubenmire

The FEMA Labor Camp, Part 2
As I finished rinsing myself, I heard a door shut. I remembered that I had left the bathroom door open, so I hurriedly pulled back the shower curtain to get the towel. I looked up to find myself staring into the face of the girl I had picked out of the catalog. She was wearing a khaki dress that gathered around her small waist and stopped just above her knees. The pictures in the catalog did her little justice; she was infinitely.....
by Al Duncan

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Enemy to America - Christians and Gun owners
Obama reversed Bill Clinton’s policy of ‘Don’t ask don’t tell’ so gay military could have a huge coming out party and further destroy military focus, mission and safety. Now, Obama has perversion and distraction roaming around the halls of the military everywhere and declining funds hurting soldiers even more........
by Laurie Roth

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Former Al Jazeera Producer "Humanizes" Palestinians
The Huff-Watch website documents what it calls the Huffington Post’s “pathological, malicious incitement of hate against the U.S. military, Israel and Jews, the Tea Party and conservative individuals and organizations.” Another website, the Huffington Post Monitor blog, purports to expose how the Huffington Post has become a home to a group of “commentators expressing anti-Israel hate speech and anti-Semitism.”.....
by Cliff Kincaid

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