Thursday, April 11, 2013

[NWV Alerts] A Prison for Your Mind, Part 4

April 11, 2013

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A Prison for Your Mind, Part 4
Thought on the most primitive level precedes action. But on the other end of the scale where the conscious mind goes to the highest source for understanding and insight, enlightened reason and intuition precedes action. The leftist, like the mythical vampire, is compelled to convert or destroy those who are still God based humans. Intuition has many meanings across many cultures, including.....
by David Ruben

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Pagan Is as Pagan Does
Readers identifying themselves as “pagans” have objected to me lumping them in with progressives. The good name of paganism, such as it is, suffers when placed in the company of such names as Obama, Pelosi, Gore, and Reid. Hint to progs: what does it say about your reputation, when even pagans don’t want to be seen with you? I grant that all pagans are not.......
by Lee Duigen

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Turn Off Bill O’Reilly
He has proven himself to be blind when understanding the relationship between the Bible and the founding of the nation. He doesn’t even realize that secularism is the replacing of the laws of God with the laws of man. “Do not murder” was God’s idea. Our government adopted that position. That law was not made by Fox News opinion polls. They are sandblasting the 10 commandments off of the walls.....
by Coach Dave Daubenmire

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