Tuesday, April 09, 2013

The Campus Caller

Daily Caller
April 9, 2013



Today's top stories:
1.) Obama declares today 'National Equal Pay Day,' despite paying men more
2.) British MP defends North Korea against 'wicked' America and 'evil' Britain
3.) Meet newly confirmed SEC director Mary Jo White's past clients
4.) Conservatives: Obama's budget plan a 2014 vote gambit
5.) Republican wants government to reveal costs for congressional trips overseas
6.) Coulter: Margaret Thatcher wanted to teach Sarah Palin 'to speak proper English'
7.) Source: Liz Cheney seriously considering running for Wyoming Senate
8.) Obama housing agency's staggering debt won't stop it from insuring more high-risk loans
9.) Rush Limbaugh: Melissa Harris-Perry's collective remarks 'as old as communist genocide'
10.) Lars Hedegaard on the issue that nearly led to his murder: immigration

From the
ISI's Collegiate Network and LI's Campus Reform:
11.) Univ. of Rhode Island police who responded to campus shooting scare were unarmed due to state’s anti-gun policy
(Campus Reform)
12.) Protestors Want University President Fired Over ‘Step on Jesus’
(The College Fix)
13.) Grover Norquist explains the conservative role in prison reform
(The Stanford Review)
14.) Resurrection
(The College Conservative)
15.) Professor Links High Suicide Rates with Republicans, Gun Owners
(The College Fix)

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