By: Jamie Weinstein No Republicans need apply -- Holy Mother of Jones -- Don't be a Buchanan -- Oh, Touré -- Tweet of Yesterday -- Today in North Korean News | 1.) No Republicans need apply -- When Bob Zoellick is protested for being too radically conservative, the message is all Republicans of any stripe are unwelcome. The Daily Caller News Foundation's Robby Soave reports: "Leftist students at Swarthmore College, dissatisfied with their commencement speaker’s connection to the Bush administration, persuaded him to withdraw as speaker. Robert Zoellick served as deputy secretary of state under President Bush in 2005, and is known for strongly backing the Iraq War. These views put him at odds with Swarthmore’s Quaker roots, said some students. At a meeting last week, one student called Zoellick a 'war criminal' who did not share 'Swarthmore values.'" Protesting Zoellick for being too conservative is like protesting ice cream for being too hot. | 2.) Holy Mother of Jones -- Mitch McConnell is not happy --- and justifiably so. TheDC Alex Pappas reports: "Mitch McConnell’s re-election campaign is decrying 'Nixonian tactics' after the liberal bimonthly Mother Jones posted a secret recording of the Senate minority leader and staffers discussing campaign strategies against potential rivals in the Kentucky Senate race. 'We’ve always said the left will stop at nothing to attack Sen. McConnell, but Nixonian tactics to bug campaign headquarters is above and beyond,' McConnell campaign manager Jesse Benton said Tuesday. The left-leaning Mother Jones website — known for also posting a secret recording of Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney — released recordings and a transcript of a February 2 McConnell meeting with his staff on opposition research." | 3.) Don't be a Buchanan -- Grover Norquist is trying to marginalize those opposed to comprehensive immigration reform by comparing them to ... Pat Buchanan. TheDC's Matt Lewis writes: "I caught up with Grover Norquist, the head of Americans for Tax Reform, over the phone this afternoon. As usual, he did not disappoint. According to Norquist, business groups, ranging from high-tech to farming to construction are all aggressively backing comprehensive immigration reform this time around, and that is making a huge difference. 'The modern Republican Party has had a sea change,' Norquist averred, 'because the business community has come down with both feet very strong.' ... Norquist was quick to paint opponents of immigration reform as the new fringe. He said conservatives see 'Rubio, Rand Paul, Jeb Bush, and Reagan in one place — and Pat Buchanan in another.'" | 4.) Oh, Touré-- In college, MSNBC's Touré started a paper. It was, well, let's say interesting. Charles Johnson and Ryan Girdusky report for TheDC: "MSNBC host Touré founded a student newspaper dedicated to black liberation theology while he was a college student attending Emory University from 1989 to 1992. Touré’s flagship publication, The Fire This Time, lavished praise on famous anti-Semites, black supremacists, and conspiracy theorists whom Touré helped bring to campus. Before he became an intense-but-sardonic TV personality, Touré also decried 'the suffocating white community' and defended a nationally famous fake hate crime. In an interview with The Daily Caller, Touré described the newspaper as 'an important black voice on campus' and 'a form of community building.'" | 5.) Tweet of Yesterday -- KimJongNumberUn: On the plus side, America, nuclear war means you won't have to file your taxes. :) | 6.) Today in North Korean News -- BREAKING: "Hail to US Nuclear War Racked Called for" | VIDEO: Adam Carolla says gay marriage legalization won't end controversy | | |
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