Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Obama Loses Another Hollywood Big Shot

November 29, 2013

Top Headlines

'They Don't Even Pull This S*** For The Queen'

Obama loses another Hollywood BIG SHOT

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The Iraq War 'was won'

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We did the digging so you can do the shopping

New MSNBC host on Thanksgiving: 'Because genocide is a lot more festive 392 years after the fact'

Meet Ronan Farrow

Krauthammer: Pro-Obamacare Thanksgiving ad has 'creepy Soviet element'

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'Step into a dark and absurd world where ... the baby jesus is a very popular anal probe'

Administrator allegedly fabricated story about ACLU threat to keep Christmas songs out of holiday concert

ACLU denies any threat, says it's tired of getting blamed for this crap every year

Cameraman gets physical with fellow photog

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Vote in our poll before you watch Sunday's game

EPA wants to regulate water on YOUR land

EPA preparing to unleash a deluge of new regulations

Guess who's in trouble for citing The New York Times?

'Thinly veiled attempt to vilify energy production'
Guns and Gear

New Beretta 692 leapfrogs to the top of mid-priced clays guns

Excellent over/under for the money

The New Gun Control Agenda: Give up your guns because we will keep you safe

Gun safety vs. Gun control - the new message of the gun banners

Could this be the end of wind subsidies?

Over two decades in the making

Why the NSA is checking in on porn-watching habits

And who they can use that against

COULTER: Is it to soon to say, 'I told you so'?

The New York Times looks forward to the return of the Dinkins era

The Thanksgiving message President Obama should have given about the Affordable Care Act in 2009

'The methodical and careful manner in which we implement this important law should give confidence to everyone...'

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