Monday, September 03, 2012

Happy Labor Day and update

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Happy Labor Day!

We hope you are enjoying this Labor Day Weekend.  

Labor Day is also a call to action, a reminder that we must defend the promise that America is the home of a brave, determined and the free.  

Through hard work, determination and our freedom, we all can earn the American dream for ourselves and the generations of Americans to come. 

We believe in America's promise and we are proud to stand with some many friends that that believe too.

We will have exciting news to share this month.  We can't wait to share it with you......soon. We hope you will be excited about our next chapter as we are about the future and its promise too.  

What have we been doing in the last couple of months?  VOICESPAC has been busy on the ground helping great candidates win their primaries and get ready for the general election.  On the ground is where VOICESPAC is the strongest. Calls, talking to voters, door knocking and communicating our common sense, pocketbook message that resonates with voters all across the State. 

Thank you to all of our volunteers and supporters that make each election effort and candidate support possible.   

We are still on the look out for great candidates to support.  Please share the word and encourage them to apply here.

We will have a more endorsements in the coming weeks, so check our website for the current list of strong, pocketbook women leaders.  

We also need help!   If you can volunteer, we have a project or two that will fit any schedule.  Email  If you want to open a chapter in your state email our Outreach team,   

We also have a few candidates that we need to fund.  If you can donate, $25, $50 or $100 or more, we need your help!  Any amount is appreciated and goes towards helping our candidates win.

Thanks again for all your support and friendship! 

Best Regards,

Jennifer DeJournett, VOICESPAC

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PO Box 2514
Maple Grove, MN 55311

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Paid and Prepared for By VOICES of Conservative Women State PAC (VOICESPAC)  PO Box 2514 Maple Grove, MN 55311 Not on behalf of any candidate or candidate's committee. 
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