Saturday, September 08, 2012

[NWV Alerts] Christian murders, torture by Egyptians ignored by Obama, media

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September 8, 2012

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Christian murders, torture by Egyptians ignored by Obama, media
Some Egyptian news outlets and personnel that are critical of the Brotherhood and the Morsi government have been attacked, censored and closed down. For example, a large group of Muslim Brotherhood members and supporters beat the editor-in-chief of the independent and secular Youm 7 newspaper and damaged its facilities. Meanwhile, jihadists prevented a TV broadcaster from entering the station’s building under......
by Jim Kouri

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Internal Consistency is no Guarantee
By the time many people reach middle age, they are living in the state of quiet desperation that Thoreau referred to. They are somewhat (or a lot) cut off from reality and themselves by their beliefs and conditioning to which they feel they must conform, and feel a constant if inarticulate tension between their own powers of understanding and perception and what they believe they must believe or pretend to believe........
by Attorney Steve

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Remove the Blinders and Accept the Truth, Part 2
Ultimately, as a result of this report, it is scary to think that the medicines that humans have depended on for years to keep them alive might not be as successful in the future, which basically means the deaths of many people who would have be cured of their infections when the antibiotics were first developed. However, could this uselessness of many antibiotics actually be a plague from God instead of overusing or misusing antibiotics? Of course, since.....
by Dr. Carl Parnell

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