Wednesday, September 26, 2012

[NWV Alerts] The Green Energy Fraud

Untitled Document
September 26, 2012

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The History of World War III, Part 5
America has its Conservative Intellectuals, Thomas Sowell being one of its most eloquently realistic. There is, however, nothing “elitist” about his writings. It is unrelenting common sense. On the other hand, here is a perfect example of a French Revolutionary pundit of the Left, Maureen Dowd, and her most recent and mildly anti-Semitic, boldly anti-Israel inferences......
by Award Winning Actor Michael Moriarty

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The Green Energy Fraud
Europe is already reeling from the realization green energy is bankrupting them. Great Britain estimated last summer that 25 percent of their population already suffers from "energy poverty" as British energy costs skyrocketed by 71 percent. British companies are threatening to move to other countries. Some are already moving........
by Dr. Michael Coffman, Ph.D

The world is bankrupt -- How it will affect you? Call Harvey or Jay at USA Gold Vault and protect your future with real money. 602-228-8203.

The Road to World War III Runs Through Chicago
All wars require a definitive trigger event in order to come to fruition. Subsequently, at the beginning of all wars lies a governmental apparatus which seeks to justify the outbreak of hostilities. Due to horrific nature of war, all governments feel the need to convince, conscript and control its population in order fulfill its need for war.  Over 2500 years ago, Sun Tzu, renowned author of the Art of War, stated.....
by Dave Hodges

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