Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Patriot News Digest September 25, 2012

Patriot News Digest

Patriot News Digest

A Prophetic Interpretation of the news  

 September 25, 2012    


Harry Reid: Mitt Romney is not the face of Mormonism in America - [Foxnews.com] Oh really? Take a poll among Mormons and see what percentage will be for Abortion, for Gay Rights, or for Socialism. This is Harry Reid's position. Romney is Pro-Life, against Gay Marriage, and is a very successful Capitalist. As Fox says "I report. You decide!"

Obama's new flag for America - [Foxnews.com] Obama people say that the poster is supposed to say "there are no red states or blue states but only Americans". Yeah, right. It is Obama's vision of America. The First Narcissist  wants his logo on everything. If you think Mormons wear funny shorts you see Obamas. Huaa!


Roseanne for President? - [Foxnews.Com] Roseanne has the same "values" as Obama and have you ever heard her version of The National Anthem? I'd  rather hear finger nails scraping on a chalkboard. I'll say this for Roseanne though, she, like Obama, knows what part of her body to grab when our National Anthem is played.



Miller: Obama good talk show host but not President

 - [Foxnews.com] He knows how to talk on a talk show but he doesn't know what our national debt is? Click 

 National Debt   for answer. FYI: it's $16 Billion  and counting. It reminds me of the old Johnny Cash song: How high's the water, Papa? Five foot high and rising!


Madonna calls Obama a 'black Muslim,' says she'll strip onstage if he wins new term - [Foxnews.com] Madonna asked everyone in the audience of her Washington, DC performance Monday night to vote for President Obama because he is a "black Muslim." That's nothing new, Madonna already strips on the stage but she did get the part right about him being a Black Muslim. I've been telling you that for months and now Madonna's telling the truth for once. As Rush says "Madonna represents all the "dumbed down" Americans that are Obama's base. Huaa!


Israel Today - In March 2010, the US Geological Survey estimated the area's hydrocarbon potential, claiming that the so-called Levant Basin province (stretching from the Sinai Peninsula to the northern border of Syria) could hold as much as 1.7 billion barrels of recoverable oil and 3,500 billion cubic meters (bcm) of natural gas. Now the fight is on about keeping the Russians away from it.

Hal Mitchell 




Pray for the peace of Jerusalem they shall prosper that love thee-

Psalm 122:6 


 Dove of peace 




Hal Mitchell
Patriots On Purpose 

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