Thursday, April 11, 2013

The Campus Caller

Daily Caller
April 11, 2013



Today's top stories:
1.) Seven months after Benghazi attacks, Special Forces vets call for more investigations [VIDEO]
2.) USS Cole commander: Rand Paul is 'new form of Republican leadership' on defense
3.) High school requires parental consent for Santorum speech
4.) Occupy thug calls Michelle Rhee 'Asian b-tch'
5.) Rand Paul at Howard: reject 'caricature' of GOP
6.) GOP senators press 'Gang of 8' members on welfare costs for newly legalized immigrants
7.) Lisa Jackson speaks candidly on secret EPA email account
8.) Sen. Toomey: 'I don't consider criminal background checks to be gun control'
9.) Democratic bill to change Colorado voting rules has Republicans 'livid'
10.) Liberals and sharia: 'Who let Jaws into the swimming pool?' [VIDEO]

From the
ISI's Collegiate Network and LI's Campus Reform:
11.) Administrators at UC San Diego to ban smoking, smokeless tobacco on campus
(Campus Reform)
12.) Ivy League University’s Inaugural ‘Sex Week’ Offers Porn, Masturbation, Orgasms
(The College Fix)
13.) Big Boys Do Cry: Losing, Living, and Letting Go
(Intercollegiate Review)
14.) Stanford, Federal Government Partner to Preserve Historic Software
(The Stanford Review)
15.) America to GOP: Still Unemployed and Obamacare Stinks
(The College Conservative)

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