Thursday, April 11, 2013

TheDC Morning

Daily Caller
April 11, 2013



By: Jamie Weinstein

America's most infamous Tweeter returns to public life -- Obama pitches, Ryan rips --  Alec Baldwin, man of the people -- From foe to friend -- Tweet of Yesterday -- Today in North Korean News
1.) America's most infamous Tweeter returns to public life  -- Anthony Weiner tweeted himself out of his congressional seat in 2011. As it turned out, tweeting risque pictures of yourself to random people on Twitter is not a good idea. But now it looks like Weiner wants to return to the public stage. He and his wife participated in what turned out to be a lengthy profile in The New York Times Magazine. TheDC's Jamie Weinstein read it so you don't have to. Among the 10 facts he chronicles: "Weiner’s brother, Jason, wasn’t a super fan of at least some aspects of pre-scandal Anthony Weiner’s personality. 'I wouldn’t stand for other people saying this about him, but there was definitely a douchiness about him that I just don’t really see anymore.'" Perhaps more importantly: "Anthony Weiner is still considering a run for mayor. He has spent $100,000 on polling. He still has a $4.3 million war chest and over $1 million more in matching funds if he runs this year. But the magazine reports that many of the insiders Weiner has talked to have told him he doesn’t have much chance of winning." Check out the rest.

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Pfizer Helpful Answers is a family of prescription assistance programs that provides eligible patients with their Pfizer prescriptions for free or at a savings, and offers reimbursement support services for select products.


2.) Obama pitches, Ryan rips  -- President Obama finally released his budget Wednesday. Paul Ryan isn't a big fan. TheDC's Neil Munro reports:

"Republican budget leaders dismissed President Barack Obama’s 2014 budget plan as mess of fiscal gimmicks, shirked duties, accounting flim-flam and escalating debt. The 10-year budget claims to cut $1.8 trillion from future borrowing, but actually trims only $119 billion from the 10-year, $46.5 trillion spending plan, Rep. Paul Ryan, chairman of the House’s budget committee, said April 10. The removal of the budget tricks 'knocks you down to $119 [billion] in actual deficit reduction,' he said."

But the president does deserve at least a little credit for putting some entitlement reform on paper, even if he doesn't go far enough.


For more than 25 years, Pfizer has been a trusted resource for patients by providing prescription assistance to millions of Americans in need.


3.) Alec Baldwin, man of the people -- Alec Baldwin is reportedly worth many tens of millions of dollars. But he doesn't think that makes him a wealthy man. TheDC's Taylor Bigler reports:

"Actor and angry person Alec Baldwin — whose reported net worth is $65 million — said he doesn’t think of himself as rich. In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, the actor said that he doesn’t think of himself as a wealthy person. Baldwin pens frequent columns for The Huffington Post and regularly talks about his disgust for income inequality in America. When asked by THR if there is a 'moral way to live as a wealthy person,' Baldwin responded, 'I never thought of myself as a wealthy person. I’ve thought of myself as a person who has had a lot of luck.'"

You might say Baldwin is just a bit tone deaf.


In the last five years (2008-2012), Pfizer Helpful Answers helped more than 3.4 million uninsured and underinsured patients get access to more than 39 million Pfizer prescriptions, equaling more than $6.5 billion.


4.) From foe to friend -- Michael Bloomberg was against Pat Toomey before he was for him. TheDC's Patrick Howley reports:

"New York mayor Michael Bloomberg’s anti-gun group announced Wednesday that it will stop running a negative television ad targeting Sen. Pat Toomey now that the Pennsylvania Republican has signed on to a proposal to expand background checks to gun show and online firearms purchases. Mayors Against Illegal Guns had been hammering Toomey, a junior senator with an 'A' rating from the National Rifle Association, with negative ads in Keystone State. But his latest proposal, which he is co-sponsoring with West Virginia Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin, has Bloomberg and company singing a different tune. The coalition’s initial negative ad featured an urgent-voiced narrator who said, 'Tell Senator Toomey, don’t protect criminals…Demand action now,' and displayed Toomey’s office phone number. Now the coalition is running a positive ad praising Toomey.'"
5.) Tweet of Yesterday -- Josh Greenman: Anthony Weiner Rescues Starved Headline Pun Sector
6.) Today in North Korean News -- BREAKING: "Kim Il Sung Prize Awarded to Persons of Merit"
VIDEO: Lindsay Lohan doesn't come off as entirely batshit crazy on Letterman


Pfizer Helpful Answers is a joint program of Pfizer Inc and the Pfizer Patient Assistance Foundation™.


Vets Want Benghazi Truth -- Seven months after attacks, Special Forces vets call for more investigations [VIDEO]

High school requires parental consent for Santorum speech -- Old enough to drive but not to choose to listen to a social conservative

Sen. Toomey: 'I don't consider criminal background checks to be gun control' -- Republican senator unveils 'compromise' gun deal with Democrat Joe Manchin

GARY BAUER: Disability Nation -- Why are so many people on Social Security Disability?

BRAD TODD: Liberal 'Mad Men' in an unbranded era -- Why the American progressive movement is in trouble.

JENNIFER GRATZ: Accidental racists and honest conversation -- It's hard to have a conversation when we're all afraid of being honest.

GARLAND TUCKER III: Is Coolidge still relevant? -- Eighty-four years after Calvin Coolidge left office, his policies and philosophy are as relevant as ever.

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