Thursday, April 11, 2013

TheDC Links

Daily Caller
April 11, 2013




Today's top stories:
1.) Seven months after Benghazi attacks, Special Forces vets call for more investigations [VIDEO]
2.) USS Cole commander: Rand Paul is 'new form of Republican leadership' on defense

---------- A Message from Pfizer ----------

Pfizer Helpful Answers is a family of prescription assistance programs that provides eligible patients with their Pfizer prescriptions for free or at a savings, and offers reimbursement support services for select products.


3.) High school requires parental consent for Santorum speech
4.) Occupy thug calls Michelle Rhee 'Asian b-tch'
5.) Rand Paul at Howard: reject 'caricature' of GOP
6.) GOP senators press 'Gang of 8' members on welfare costs for newly legalized immigrants


For more than 25 years, Pfizer has been a trusted resource for patients by providing prescription assistance to millions of Americans in need.


7.) Lisa Jackson speaks candidly on secret EPA email account
8.) Sen. Toomey: 'I don't consider criminal background checks to be gun control'
9.) Democratic bill to change Colorado voting rules has Republicans 'livid'
10.) Liberals and sharia: 'Who let Jaws into the swimming pool?' [VIDEO]


In the last five years (2008-2012), Pfizer Helpful Answers helped more than 3.4 million uninsured and underinsured patients get access to more than 39 million Pfizer prescriptions, equaling more than $6.5 billion.


11.) Leaked sexts that got 'The Bible' executive producer fired
12.) Conservatism means 'restricting personal freedoms' according to public school crossword
13.) The Daily Caller's Schwartzel-to-Snedeker guide to The Masters
14.) New study reveals that people do, in fact, like drunk munchies
15.) The weirdest things you can buy on Etsy [SLIDESHOW]


Pfizer Helpful Answers is a joint program of Pfizer Inc and the Pfizer Patient Assistance Foundation™.

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